Production Plants




Pasquale Forte, Eldor’s President and CEO, merged two of his passions, electronics and Orsenigo, and combined them into a single term: Eldor. The company’s primary specialization was in the consumer electronics sector, developing high tension transformers for radio and television sets.


Eldor reimagined itself and began designing, developing and assembling automated production lines.
As a promoter and pioneer of robotics, Eldor is today a leader of robotics utilized in manufacturing processes.


After over 20 years, when Eldor, a world leader in its sector and the recipient of many international accolades, was fully enjoying the success of its consumer electronic business, an extremely rare event took place. Pasquale Forte gained the clear perception from the market that the traditional television sector was reaching the end of its life, and would last at the most ten years more.
He set about devising a strategy of diversification, investing in the Automotive Industry and, in 1999, was already opening a battery division.
This choice, with its two-fold innovation lens, drew on resources already available in the Group addressed the indirect needs of the market.


Eldor successfully evolved and focused on the Automotive market. The production of ignition systems grew gradually, while the company opened a research centre in Bologna to develop innovative electronic control units, ECUs.


New facilities. A new research centre opened exclusively for research into new systems with low environmental impact.


Eldor inaugurated its new headquarters at Orsenigo, to seal the roots of the company and the values underpinning it.
The headquarters are a fine example of uniting industrial and human requirements, in a place where people feel serene and secure.


On the back of many years of research and testing, the fuel cells division was established. Fuel cells are a clean energy device that replace car batteries. They reduce CO2 emissions and help the environment.
This technology underlines the Group’s commitment to develop products that will make the world a better place in which to live.